Looking for news, tips, and other insights in the world of medical aesthetics? You’ve come to the right place! Browse the articles below to learn the latest on how to look and feel your best!

smiling young woman after her pemf therapy treatment

Is PEMF Therapy Safe? Addressing Common Concerns and Misconceptions

New equipment and procedures in the medical field are always sure to bring two things: Innovation and reservation. Is this cool new thing going to deliver on everything it promises? Are there side effects and dangers associated with it? These are all great questions to ask. While we can’t speak to every medical procedure on…

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woman sitting in bed applying cream for winter skin care routine

Winter Skin Care Tips You Need to Know

Ask a bunch of people what their favorite season is, and you probably won’t hear “winter” much—if at all. There’s a good reason for that. While there are a select few who love the cold temperatures and snow, the majority of people prefer weather that’s a little warmer and brighter. And much like people, human…

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woman receiving a hydrofacial

Why Your Skin Needs a Hydrofacial

If we were to ask you what your daily routine is, your response would probably be a long one. Between work, family, chores, mealtime, and various other facets of your day-to-day, it’s amazing that you get through it all in the first place. And after all that is taken into account, self-care—more specifically, skincare—still needs…

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model with red hair holding a daisy

What You Need to Know About Vaginal Rejuvenation

It’s not your mother’s day and age, and thank goodness for that. Women nowadays have a far greater variety of health and wellness options than mom ever did. An increasingly popular one is vaginal rejuvenation. This involves a range of safe, common procedures aimed at restoring the vagina’s appearance and function. The topic has gotten…

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woman receiving best laser hair removal services at a med spa

A Brief Guide to the Best Laser Hair Removal Services

Looking for a long-lasting solution for smooth, hair-free skin? We don’t blame you. Constant shaving or waxing is time consuming and expensive as the years go on. While they only offer temporary results, there’s another option that might be just what you’re looking for: laser hair removal. It provides a more permanent reduction in hair…

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Woman holding IV bag containing fruits and essential nutrients

How Often Should You Get IV Nutrition Therapy?

Getting proper nutrition has traditionally involved eating the right food and letting your digestive system do the rest–extracting the nutrients your body needs and getting them into the bloodstream so they can go where they’re needed. But what if you could bypass the gut and get nutrients directly into the bloodstream, optimizing absorption? Enter IV…

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mid-twenties woman applying sunscreen

The Importance of Sunscreen in Your Skincare Routine

Here’s a not-so-fun fact: One in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. For all the healthy benefits the sun provides, it can still harm us if we don’t employ the best skin care routines. Especially in the midst of summer, it’s important to be vigilant with your sun protection. The…

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Medical professional administering InMode Morpheus8 Treatment

A Complete Guide to InMode Morpheus8 Treatment

What if we told you a treatment existed that combines the benefits of microneedling and RF treatments to deliver an effective and comfortable experience with undeniable results? You’d probably think we were lying, but we promise we aren’t. Introducing the InMode Morpheus8 treatment. Ready to learn all about it? What is InMode Morpheus8? Understanding the…

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man and woman wearing fluffy white bath robes

Benefits of PEMF Therapy

Who doesn’t want to boost their mood and promote healing? When you find that person, let us know. Until then, we recommend you try out Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (or PEMF therapy). It’s an innovative treatment that’s gaining traction in the wellness community—and for good reason! Let’s explore this approach to wellbeing. Understanding PEMF Therapy…

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