Looking for news, tips, and other insights in the world of medical aesthetics? You’ve come to the right place! Browse the articles below to learn the latest on how to look and feel your best!

woman applying sunscreen at beach

7 Tips to Help Protect Your Skin This Summer

While it’s a well-known fact that winter weather causes dry peeling skin, we often overlook the significance of summer skincare. We’re all busy spending more time outside enjoying the sunshine, but along with all that warmth and fun, sun exposure can lead to skin damage, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. By…

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woman receiving laser skin therapy

What You Need to Know about Laser Skin Therapy

Thanks to its remarkable effectiveness in non-invasively addressing a wide range of skin concerns, laser skin therapy has gained significant popularity for those seeking lasting youthful skin. Benefits of Laser Skin Therapy  Everyone wants skin that’s smooth and clear. Skincare professionals recommend laser skin therapy as one of the easiest ways to achieve such flawless…

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woman sitting on beach after body sculpting

What is Total Body Remodeling?

Sometimes called body sculpting, this remodeling is a nonsurgical method designed to enhance your appearance. If you’re wondering what all is involved in the process, you’ve come to the right place! What Does It Do? This procedure makes your skin tighter and firmer while reducing subdermal fat. It also tones and defines your muscles, creating…

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young woman examining wrinkles in mirror

Botox for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know

Have you noticed deepening wrinkles on your forehead and crows’ feet at the corners of your eyes? You may be wondering why this is happening.  One reason could be that as we age, we squint more. Think of how much time you’ve spent reading books and looking at screens. Every time we squint we constrict…

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dermatologist giving a scar removal treatment to patient

How to Choose the Right Med-Spa

Medical spas seem to be popping up nearly everywhere in recent years. Like coffee shops on every corner, or fast food restaurants in every block. The fancy ones with waterfalls cascading down their front entry walls, the ones located in the strip malls across from the other strip malls, or the stand alone much more…

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woman receiving dermal filler

Everything You Need to Know About Dermal Fills

DERMAL FILLER INJECTIONS Injection of dermal fillers is a frequent, nonsurgical cosmetic procedure occurring every day. In fact it is the second most frequent in the United States. Dermal fillers are often used to smooth wrinkles and make them less noticeable but can also have many other effective uses as well. Dermal fillers can assist…

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beautician marking womans face for botox injections

The Pros & Cons of Botox Injections

So, you’re thinking about botox but you aren’t quite sure if it’s right for you. Botox can be a bit intimidating for someone who doesn’t have knowledge or experience of the procedure. We have seen plenty of people in your exact situation and understand you are currently in what we like to call the pros…

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